Store & Nutrition

Plus There is some Supplement and Vitamins that you need during training!
1. Multivitamin: you can find anywhere just like Angkor Market, etc...

2. Glucosamine: It helps your Joints and prevent joint injury

3. Omega 3: Good for brain functioning, eye, joint and blood stimulation

4. Of course you need to take protein powder frequently in order to your body absorbs and turn into muscle

 5. The Last one is Energy drink, you need those to burst your metabolism to train harder and to stress out your muscle to grow.

But the most basic thing that we should do is eating plenty of protein food and fruit with high potassium. Just like Salad, Chicken Breast, Egg white and Banana.

Well, Those are the basic to start building muscle and try to catch up with them at least 3 months and you will see the different from your body. Plus, Keep in mind that you always training and have plenty of rest!