Born in Yokosuka, Japan in 1973 to a Japanese mother and Irish father,[1] Stan McQuay moved to the United States with his family at an early age, living first in Illinois before settling in Van Nuys, California. Growing up in the San Fernando Valley, Stan spent most of his free time surfing and skateboarding. Stan became steadily employed and enrolled in community college. At a maximum height of 5’ 7” and weighing 135 lbs, Stan began weight-training in order to gain the muscle-mass necessary for college football.
Most recently, Stan moved a competitive middleweight to a light-heavyweight, and was able to win his pro-card as a light-heavyweight at the 2006 NPC Nationals. He has appeared on the cover of several publications.

Vital Stats
- Full Name: Stan Michael McQuay
- Birthday: July 12
- Place of Birth: Yokosuka, Japan
- Current state of Residence: Canoga Park, California
- Occupation: personal trainer, fitness model, professional bodybuilder.
- Marital Status: single
- Height: 5'7" - 170 cm
- Weight (In Season): 185-190 lbs (84/86 kg) - (Off-Season):205-210 lbs (93/95 kg).
- Eye Color: Brown
- Hair Color: Black
Contest history
Musclemania, WelterWeight, 2nd
Musclemania, WelterWeight, 1st
California Championships - NPC, MiddleWeight, 1st
Musclemania, Professional, 2nd
Musclemania Superbody, Winner
USA Championships - NPC, MiddleWeight, 4th
Musclemania Superbody, Professional, 1st
USA Championships - NPC, MiddleWeight, 1st
Nationals - NPC, MiddleWeight, 2nd
Nationals - NPC, MiddleWeight, 2nd
Nationals - NPC, Light-HeavyWeight, 1st
Europa Supershow - IFBB, LightWeight, 8th
Jacksonville Pro - IFBB, Winner
Olympia - IFBB, LightWeight, 14th
Detroit Pro Championships - IFBB, Winner
Olympia - IFBB, LightWeight, 7th
Sacramento Pro Championships - IFBB, 3rd
Musclemania, Professional, 2nd
Musclemania Superbody, Winner
USA Championships - NPC, MiddleWeight, 4th
Jacksonville Pro - IFBB, Winner
Olympia - IFBB, LightWeight, 14th
Olympia - IFBB, LightWeight, 7th
Sacramento Pro Championships - IFBB, 3rd

Magazine Covers
- 2002 Muscle and Fitness December Vol 63, Num 12
- 2004 Muscle Mag International April Num 262
- 2005 Planet Muscle April Vol 8, Num 2
- 2006 Planet Muscle June Vol 9, Num 3
- 2006 Muscle and Fitness October Vol 67, Num 10
- 2008 Muscle and Fitness March
- 2008 Muscle and Fitness May
- What is your full name, including middle name?
Stan Michael McQuay
- When and where were you born? Your Astrological Sign?
I was born July 12, 1973 in Yokoska, Japan, which means I am 26 now. My sign is Cancer.
- Your height and weight (Normal / Contest).
My height is 5'7". My off season weight is around 200 pounds, and my last contest weight was 176 pounds.

- Eye Color / Hair Color
I have brown eyes, and black Hair
- Where are you currently working now? In the past?
I am currently a personal trainer. In the past, I worked for a sports nutrition distribution company selling many different types of products.
- Do you have any brothers / sisters?
I have one brother named Michael Stevens McQuay, who is younger than me. He is 21, I am currently 26. He is not a bodybuilder, although he has gone to a number of my shows.
- What religion are you?
I am a Christian.

- What is your mother and father's name? Where did they meet?
My mother's name is Mari, she is Japanese. My dad's name is Steve, he is Irish. My dad was in the American Navy, and he was on a base in Nagasaki, Japan when they met.
- How was your childhood? Where did you grow up?
I was born in Japan, and my family moved to Southern Illinois. When I was 7 or 8, we moved to Van Nuys, California, and then to Canoga Park, California. I went to Hale Junior High School, then to Canoga Park High School.
- Did you play any sports when you were growing up?
I loved to play football. I started with Pop Warner (a football organization for kids), and then in high school, I was on the varsity team. I played running back, and score quite a number of touchdowns. Our team did not do well though, we did not make the playoffs.

- What did you do after high school?
Hang around for a while, then started to go to college. Currently I am going to California State University of Northridge, studying on a double major, Finance and Kenesiology.
- What started you in bodybuilding?
Towards the end of high school, I wanted to play football in college and I need to get bigger. So I started to train with some friends at 24 Hour Fitness in West Hills. From there, I switched gyms to Powerhouse in Chatsworth where I am at now.
- When did you actually get serious in bodybuilding?
When I was 23. I met two competitive bodybuilders and they talked me into doing a show.
- What contest was that?
A small federation called the 'UNBA', which is a natural sanction. I took second place in the Short class in my very first show.

- And after that?
After that I went to the ABA federation. In my First ABA Show, I won the Short Class and the Overall. Then I went to the 1998 Musclemania, and took second as a Welterweight. Then I did the 1998 NPC Ironman and took third in the Middleweight division. I took almost a year off, and came back at the 1999 Musclemania and won the Welterweight division. After that, I went to the 1999 NPC Ironman and took second as a Middleweight. This year, I went to the 2000 NPC California and won the Middleweight. A week later, I went to the Superbody World Champions in New York City and won the Middleweight and the Overall. I am now working on getting ready to compete in the NPC USA in Las Vegas.
- Wow! Impressive! What is your best and worst experiences in bodybuilding?
The best experiences involve meeting a lot a great people. The worst experience is the agony of dieting (oh man!).
- What is your best and worst bodypart?
My best bodypart is my abs; my worst is my back.
- What is your favorite and least favorite exercise?
- Any interesting diets when you train?
No, I stay real basic. Nothing weird. I don't rely on supplements so much, I rely more on high protein, low carb, low fat.
- How many weeks before a contest do you start to train? Any secrets?
Normally, I start to train eight weeks before. If I start my dieting eight weeks out, I still lift heavy because it helps keep more thickness in your muscles, and not until the last two weeks I start going really high rep stuff. Also, I prefer free weights over machines.
- What supplements do you use?
I use a lot of L-Glutamine, Creatine, Vanadyl Sulfate, ECA Stack.
- What things need to be changed in the sport of bodybuilding?
I wish they would stop being so political in terms of competitors competing in different sanctions, and help just promote the sport, but unfortunately that won't happen because of the money involved.
- What makes you happy?
When people come up to me and say 'I want to look like you', or 'I really like your physique', or "You made a lot of improvements'.
- What do you tell people who want to start bodybuilding?
That you better be prepared to diet. The main thing about bodybuilding is not the weights, but the diet. 75% of being a bodybuilder is dieting correctly.
- Tell me something we do not know about you?
When I was growing up, I was a gang banger. I hung with the wrong people in high school, got tattoos, just plain bad. I went to jail a couple of times. When I started working out in the gym, I felt that ever since I began training, I quite being on the street, and that made me a better person. It gave me something to do, to look forward to.

- Tatoos? Any symbolic meanings on them? How many?
Three of them. I got my tattoos when I was 18. A friend of mine did them for me. There are no symbolic meanings for me about them. I was young and dumb. One of them are Japanese symbols which translate into 'Live a long life of blood and guts'. Which to me means live hard and train hard. If you work hard, and train hard, it will lead to a long prosperous life.
- Have you done any television / magazine covers / film / commercials?
I currently have been on American Muscle on ESPN, and I would love to do commercials but have to go to acting school first. On magazine covers, my first cover will be out in a week or so, on a magazine titled 'X-Cercise Files', with Sherry Goggin-Giardana. I also shot a cover for Physical Magazine, and just the other day, I shot one for MuscleMag Magazine.
- Has anyone been your inspiration?
Not really. I never really idolized anybody.
- Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
I am not sure. I can see myself as CEO of some company.
- What do you feel about the judging in the contests?
The judging is normally pretty fair, I just wish that they would get more on the same page, meaning the judges. I wish they would go more on the aesthetically pleasing look as opposed to the big freaky look.
- What do you think about the drug situation in bodybuilding?
What about it? I think with all of the new drugs lately, it is not about how much steroids one is taking, but the guys that are taking growth hormones and diuretics, which are really dangerous. Unfortunately, you can't test for growth hormones, but I think they should find a way.

- What are your best and worst qualities as a person?
My best quality is my personality. I am just really friendly with everybody. My worst quality is that I am pretty pessimistic on myself. I am way too critical on myself. Too harsh on me. I underestimate myself. I keep telling myself that I am not ready for a show, or I need more work on this bodypart.
- What kind of people turn you off / on?
People that turn me off are loud, obnoxious people. People that turn me on are real intellectual, smart people
- What's the most important thing in life to you?
My immediate family
- What was the lowest point in life to you?
When I graduated high school, because I was heavily into gang banging and fighting. I lost a few of my friends; they got shot. My best friend went to jail for 25 years.
- Do you go out much?
I go out at least once a month, to a club out here called the 'Key Club', where I have lots of fun!
- What are your favorites:
- Television Show: I don't watch much tv
- Movie: Sixth Sense
- Actor: Mel Gibson
- Actress: Allisa Milano. She can't act, but she is fine!
- Foods: Sushi!
- Bar Drink: Long Island Ice Tea
- Regular Drink: Water
- Type of Music: Trance, which is a type of Techno music.
- Artist: Dr. Dre... he works out at my gym.
- What are the last:
- Movie you saw: Gladiator
- Video rented: Scream 2... it was terrible.
- Music CD bought: Limp Bizkit.. the latest CD.
- Contest you saw: I have not been to a concert in years.
- Restaurant you ate at: Something's Fishy in Woodland Hills, California
- Do you have any pets?
I do not have any pets?
- What are your favorite Internet web sites?