Potentially, the single most important factor in your quest to get ripped will be your diet. Getting lean is about 70% dietary effort, 20% proper workout programming technique, 5% psychological (because, let’s face it, temptation is around every corner), and 5% sheer determination.
Be certain that you are consuming fewer calories than you need to maintain your weight. Fat loss is really just a simple mathematical equation; it considers the compounding factors of where calories come from, times when your meals are being eaten, and so on.
The one exception would be Protein intake, as you should be consuming a minimum of one gram per pound of body mass in order to prevent muscle loss. Losing weight is of no use if you aren’t losing fat weight. That’s the critical factor that will determine whether you end up looking like a smaller version of your current self at the end of the diet or a version that is leaner and appears more muscular.
Weight-Lifting Workout
When trying to get ripped, the workout does not play an incredibly huge role, as already stated. As long as you are not on a crazy setup that has you doing volume overload (a surefire recipe for burnout when on a diet), you should be able to maintain your muscle mass.
When designing your workout to get ripped you'll want to cut back on the total number of reps and sets since you won’t have the fuel to recover from strenuous workouts. At the same time, however, try to maintain intensity since it will preserve your strength and muscle tissue mass.
You can hit pretty much all the muscle groups in the body with the following exercises:
- Bench Press (5 sets of 10-12 reps)
- Squat (5 sets of 10-12 reps)
- Deadlift (5 sets of 10-12 reps)
- Shoulder press (5 sets of 10-12 reps)
- Row (5 sets of 10-12 reps)

- Calf raise (5 sets of 10-12 reps)
- One ab exercise Double Crunch (3 sets of 15-20 reps)
Obviously, you can swap these exercises around; do a pull-up instead of a row or do an incline bench press instead of a shoulder press. Getting these core movements in, however, will keep you on top of your game.
Cardio Component
To round out your workout to get ripped, we have the cardio component. Now, when it comes to cardio, you want to do as little as you can get away with in order to get the results you’re looking for. Problems will start to occur when you begin doing hour-long cardio sessions combined with your already intense lifting workouts, both coupled with a reduced calorie intake.
On The Road To Ripped Glory
The issue with doing long, moderately paced cardio is that at some point you will likely start to plateau as far as fat loss is concerned, which then means you’ll either have to up the cardio again or further reduce your calories. If you’re already eating at a very low calorie level, reducing them further may cause you to sacrifice proper nutrition.Make sure you take a well-rounded approach to getting lean this time around. Far too often, men will only focus on one aspect of the equation -- be it diet, weight lifting or cardio -- which only shorts them of the results they could be seeing when they try to get ripped.