Angkor Muscle Gym
OK, we’ve got you there. I went and met Mister Sok Sour, the owner of the place. He’s very welcoming and friendly, although his English is poor. I had the help of a friendly interpreter. And I have to say, that’s the whole tone of the place – friendly.
Now I don’t know if you’re like me – ageing, overweight, out of condition. I find gyms generally quite intimidating. They (and this one is no exception) tend to be filled with hugely muscled dedicated guys, who seem to be dedicated to their sport and put my puny – yes I will use the word – fat figure to shame. My insides scream “run”.
Well, I have to say that once you get over the feeling, the people inside the gym couldn’t be more welcoming and helpful. Sour, showed me round. He explained they have a fee of $1 per visit for Westerners, and that allows you to do all the weight training. There is a small extra fee for the running machines.
They run toning classes three times a day. From 10 am to 11.30 it’s the men. Ladies are from 3.00 pm to 4.00 and kids from 7.00 pm to 8.00. These classes include some cardio and then work to improve abs, shoulders, arms … you get the picture.
Give it a try. I did and had fun, and I will become a regular!